Managing employment/licensure with a NPDB entry


Specializes in Registered Nurse, Oncology.

I feel so helpless. Without much detail yet, but... I am pending entry into the NPDB, help! Even if I were to decide not to pursue my nursing license, how are you even able to obtain licensure or certification in ANYTHING else? Even outside of healthcare, example real estate. Given, any licensure application asks if you've ever had disciplinary action against another professional license... As to where misconduct with another license could affect your application approval. How do I know if it will or won't before I even bother going to pursue anything else... Please tell me someone has information or advice on how to proceed with my life now... :(

Specializes in FNP.

Have you tried contacting an attorney that specializes in nursing law to assist you? I'm not sure if you already have your license, but there are others that have had action against their licenses and are in the NPDB who are successfully licensed and practicing. Things are case-by-case. 

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