Macon State College Spring 2012 ASN


Anyone else waiting? Any ideas on timeframe? I "heard" October, but don't know if that's by Oct, in Oct, or the end of Oct...

Hey! I'm waiting as well! I applied for Fall 2011 and didn't get in so reapplied for Spring 2012 and crossing my fingers. I've heard anywhere from mid October to November for finding something out. Hoping for as soon as possible though!! If I find anything out though I'll let you know!

Anyone heard anything yet?? Still nothing here :(

I havent received anything as of yet either. I called last week and was told they would send them out by the end of last week. I am SUPER nervous!

Letter postmarked yesterday, so check your mail! I'm in and superexcitednervous...

bleh didn't get in again :( I'm going to look into the respiratory, do you mind me asking what you got in your science classes hallpaula?

Lvance and hallpaula what were your GPA's and Tea exam scores if you don't mind me asking.

GPA is 2.9 TEAS was 78, not too great I'm thinking i'm going to need to retake my a&p, I got a C in both one and two, a B in bio and my chemistry classes though. I think my a&p is holding me back..

Oh ok..I checked my mail today and haven't received anything as of yet. My scores were similar to yours so I'll just continue to be patient. Thanks!

OK, to answer a few questions: my nursing gpa is 3.8 and my TEAS is 88. I made all A's in my science classes. Lvance7, if this is your first time, try again - my buddy got in and he's tried a couple of times already. Of course, I have heard Resp Therapy is a great career too.

I got my letter and it said I was placed on te waiting list!!! Thank you Jesus!

I haven't received ANYTHING yet. Does this mean I'm NOT getting in? :0(

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