Macomb community college "Hesi" info

U.S.A. Michigan


Hello, anyone

I am planning on taking the hesi test next year, fall 2011. Can anyone recommend me tools to study besides the hesi book, or is the hesi book all I need to prepare? Is the information that is in the hesi book really relevant to the actual hesi test? How can I study for household measurements? In your opinion, what section of the hesi test was the hardest? This year MCC is only accepting the following three classes to be add to your hesi score:

A&P, english 1180 or 1210, and BIOL 2400 or BIOL 2730. In these classes I received a B+ in A&P, B in english, and a B in BIOL 2400. Do you think I have a chance to get into the nursing program, if I get an A on the hesi or a high B? I feel so pressured.

Thanks for your time and answers,


I'm sorry, but what do you mean by NS?

Oh sorry...I meant nursing school. I have a habit of abbreviating lol. :p

Lol, thats ok. So, you plan on attending macomb's nursing program on there next rotation?

That's what I'm hoping for...keeping my fingers crossed. Hopefully I'll do well on the HESI and have a high enough GPA to get in.

What class are you taking now?

Haha...nothing yet! I plan on starting on my pre-reqs Spring/Summer full-time and then be done by the February deadline. My sister is enrolled at MCC right now and is also going into nursing, so we've decided to take A&P together in the fall, and then take the HESI in late Dec/early Jan. I know it's gonna be tough, espcially with my work schedule as a flight attendant, but I'm prepared for the challenge. :)

Well, I'm glad to hear that. Maybe we'll run across each other. If you wouldn't mind, maybe we can study for the HESI Exam together since we plan on taking it together.

I just recently took my hesi test for macomb community college and scored an 86.5. Other than that i have a 4.0. Honestly, what are chances for being accepted in the 2011 program ?

No one really knows becuase it changes every year. I would think that you need an A in all of your prereq classes though and at least a 90 on hesi

I was accepted for the program this year - they took 159 students and I ranked #158 and I start the program in March 2011. My scores were as follows: A&P B+, Patho A- and English B. I scored 92 on my HESI.

I hope this info helps; I wish someone had been able to give me an idea of the lowest entry scores when I applied. Good luck to all of you!

I am a March start as well and my grades were a-, a-, a- and 89 on the hesi I think I ranked 159 lol !!!!

You had to have ranked ahead of me because you were asked to move up but I wasn't. I never though I would say this, but I am glad the assignments were made and I am set.

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