LVN soon-to-be RN


Specializes in Pediatrics, Ortho/Neuro/Geriatrics.

Hello fellow Nurses, I am a LVN of almost 13 years and in the next 2 months I will be graduating with my RN degree. I have a question in regards to whether I should be appling for Nurse Residency Programs or RN 1 positions?

My next question is when finally offered a RN position would it be wrong of me not to except less than what I make now, which is $29/hr?

I'm looking forward to the experience and opportunities that I will gain as a RN, I just want to make sure that I am headed in the right direction.

Thanks in advance,


What is the residency program and what is the purpose of it. I am potentially going to be attending a nursing program here in Houston and I have never heard of a nursing residency program any where. Is it something that keeps you from becoming a regular nurse. Can you please explain it to me ? I'm just curious

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Specializes in Pediatrics, Ortho/Neuro/Geriatrics.

I live in the DFW area and we have nurse Residency Programs at certain hospitals. I'm looking at Parkland Hospital in Dallas. I have applied to one in Neuro ICU, NNICU, OB, and ER. It allows you the opportunity to transition easily from a being graduate nurse. These programs range from 8 weeks to 16 weeks, allowing you to get comfortable with the specialty in which you choose. After completion of the program, you sign a contract which can be up to 3 years.

Is the contract at the place you do the residency at? And do you get the same pay as a regular nurse?

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Specializes in Pediatrics, Ortho/Neuro/Geriatrics.

Yes the contract is at the hospital in which you complete the residency. As far as pay, I'm still trying to get that information. I'm pretty sure residency pay is going to be less that on the floor pay.

So it's like an internship? Is it mostly monitory? I was going for nursing out in California and never heard of this till moving here. Many of my friends continued into nursing and they all just applied for jobs. I'm still a little on the fence when it comes to school though. I came to Houston in Summer 14 and have since been going toward engineering using my Veteran benefits because they won't pay for me to become a nurse. But I found a accelerated program that would allow me to finish school in two years with a BSN vs three after transferring for a engineering degree. I'm not sure what to do. My mom has been a nurse for over 20yrs and is encouraging me to go nursing because you can make good money in California and Texas where as I think most engineers are on Salary. For example she works 3 days a week in Fresno and brings home over $2k a week. I wouldn't make that as an engineer unless I'm in a good position with a oil and gas company. I know it's not always about money but it is a big factor. Sorry to get off topic.

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Specializes in Pediatrics, Ortho/Neuro/Geriatrics.

I guess you can say it's exactly like an internship. It has some hands on as well.

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