LTC Pay in W PA?


I have a friend who's considering making the jump from acute to LTC with a move to Western PA. She's wondering what the pay will be, comparatively speaking, for an RN. I told her I would ask the gurus here and see if anyone has any input. Please feel free to PM me if you're not comfortable posting here. Thanks in advance!

With experience or none? What shifts?

I'm not 100% sure, but in my area it is a bit better than some of the hospitals.

$22-25 on up to $30 or so for experience.

I'm interesed in hear what others know.

Sorry... probably would've been helpful. 3-11 (I'm assuming -- they're calling it "evenings"), 2 years acute care experience.

Some places have the differential some don't. I would think that it would be around the 22-25 range. Kinda depends on the facilty tho. I found out that a sister facility pays 6-7 less than mine. Yikes.

Did you get any good info? If so would you PM me? I'm very interested.

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