Published May 1, 2015
1 Post
Hello all! I have always crept on these boards but never really posted. Anyway, I'm an RN with background in long term care. FINALLY, I have gotten a job I always seemed interested in, in a general practice clinic! I'm a little nervous but so excited. I was hoping someone could give me some advice and stories or experiences! THANKS
245 Posts
Hello OP just wondering if you got the job? And what pushes you to move in a ambulatory clinic? I mean I like LTC lot of skills, clinic is a routine basis work. I work in a outpatient for 2 years now and I feel like it's getting bored. I wanna transfer to a LTC or acute care settings.
xoemmylouox, ASN, RN
3,150 Posts
It all depends on what your role will be. Have they given you any idea what you will be doing?
LPNtoRNin2016OH, LPN
541 Posts
It does depend on role - are you going to work the floor or will you be a lead, over seeing other MAs and LPNs? I am an LPN and moved from LTC to clinics. I actually found my skills from LTC greatly benefited me in a clinic setting. I was able to work quickly and efficiently, catch on quickly, handle a large load of patients without having a melt down, and was very organized. I had to learn to do blood draws and learn the ins and outs of what tube for what test, how to precert things through insurance, and surprisingly, the patients can be more demanding than they can be in LTC.