LSU Spring 2016!

Nurses Career Support


Anyone applying to LSU's Spring 2016 BSN program?

@marcia2590 Has your transcripts been verified? Mine have been received by NursingCas but hasn't been verified yet.

@marcia2590 Has your transcripts been verified? Mine have been received by NursingCas but hasn't been verified yet.

not yet but Mrs. Gravolet said its fine, they can still see my transcript. She said mines being reviewed now and the school will start emailing people after labor day for interviews and they hope to start interviews the last week of september. I'm nervous now!:banghead: she even looked up my app and found me in the system so i know for a fact that I'm good and under review.

@marcia2590 So im assuming i'm pretty much in the same boat as you since i didnt get the email either?

@marcia2590 So im assuming i'm pretty much in the same boat as you since i didnt get the email either?

i would think so! :-)

The waiting game sucks. Did everyone get their transcripts in order?

I just received an email saying that LSU hasn't received all of my transcripts and it I don't turn it in by the 28th then I can't proceed in my application! Nursing CAS is saying they received it but its not verified.

So on my application, on the section where it asks what colleges I've attended, I put Delgado. But this is my first semester at Delgado, so I have no transcripts to give NursingCAS or LSU. I'm not sure what to do. Should I delete it from my listings or is there another solution????

Does anyone know when we will hear something further?

They told me sometime after Labor Day they will start making phone calls for interviews.:up:

Transcript finally verified on Nursingcas ! Lol

Hi, I'm s happy I found this thread. I applied to LSU Nursing Spring 2016 too!

Question: I received an email from Tracie Gravolet last week stating my transcript from DCC (to prove I was taking a fine arts pre req this fall 2015) still wasn't received. I re-ordered the transcripts right away, and they're still not on NursingCas! NursingCas told me it take a few weeks to process. I emailed Tracie back and she still hasn't responded. I'm getting nervous. Has anyone else had this issue? Is this going to affect admission for me?

Also, are any of you from out of state? I'm from New York.

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