LSU Spring 2016!

Nurses Career Support


Anyone applying to LSU's Spring 2016 BSN program?

That moment when your mom sends you a picture of the letter arriving but you work late! *hyperventilates*

Congrats to everyone accepted! Hopefully, I'll be able to join y'all soon!

Finally made it home #Accepted!

How do y'all feel about me making a Facebook page for accepted applicants? Just so we all can get on the same page with orientation, scheduling, and other stuff? I can link it here once I make it but reply if you want me to make one!

Excellent idea, there's so much to do in a short time frame. A private page will help us all keep up with what we need to get done.

Was it created already? If someone can search and add me once it's created that'd be great! User name is my name! I have the LSU fish as my cover photo on facebook

Yes please add me too!! User name is Corinne Brewer. Fantastic idea! :)

Add me too please! My name is Bee Russell.

Did anyone ever make the page?

Creating it now! I wanted to get a few people on board before I did. Give me 10 mins :)

I can't invite people who I'm not fb friends with so please request to join!!

does anyone know anything about the amount of people on the wait list and when they start calling to fill open spots? Ive heard the wait list is ranked but I've also heard it isn't and I'm curious

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