LPN Transitioning Into Healthcare Administration


Hello fellow nurses:

I feel at a crossroads with my career. As an LPN, I have worked in mental health, drug rehab, and LTC. I want to experience the business side of nursing. I don't necessarily want to get my R.N but I do want to get my MBA in Healthcare Administration or Masters of Science in Healthcare Administration. I would love to be a clinical manager, ADON, or any level dealing with the business side or healthcare. I see some of these positions require an RN. Have you heard of any individuals that have advanced without receiving their R.N? What are your viewpoints on my transition? Thanks for any replies :) :yes:

Specializes in Pedi.

LPNs cannot clinically supervise RNs, therefore are generally not eligible for positions like clinical managers or ADONs.

LPNs cannot clinically supervise RNs, therefore are generally not eligible for positions like clinical managers or ADONs.

There are plenty of job postings that says that an LPN can apply to become an ADON in LTC. I know not in hospital settings L.P.N s aren't eligible.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Some facilities employ ADON that administratively supervises nursing staff or clinically supervises LPN or aides. DON (or other administrator) supervises clinical aspects

There is non clinical healthcare administration degrees/jobs

How would that work?? You would not be able to clinically supervise RN.

Non clinical positions with a degree perhaps but I think it would be a stretch.

I have worked with a facilitative admin who had a masters in healthcare administration but not a RN and things were not going well in any regard.

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