LPN in school for RN with DUI

Nurses Criminal


Specializes in LTAC.

I have been a lpn for 11 years. I have never been in trouble. I've traveled all over the country as a nurse. I decided to go back to school in 2022. Right before school started I made a dumb decidion went out and got arrested for a dui. I started not to go back to school but I decided to start even though I knew it would be challenging. I love nursing and know that I wanted to become an NP and work with the Community. The court case took a year and I was convicted in October of 2023. I am on probation with 2 random drug test a month. I've completed Victims impact, I've been evaluated by a therapist and had to take 6 classes, I just finished dui school, and I have to complete 40 hours of community service. My question is once I graduate, how hard will the BON come down on me? I've never been in trouble. I have not self reported. The dui was in Georgia while on contract, but I live in FL where I am licensed.

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

Are you saying that you have not reported this to the board yet? I think these are typically case by case, and it's just going to depend on your BON and situation. I think you might want to check with your school because there could be issues with where you are supposed to be doing clinicals - they usually do a background check for clinicals, and this could be a hiccup before you even get to the point of NCLEX application. Are you up for license renewal? You may want to check out TAANA dot org and find a nurse attorney, or at least an attorney who has experience with BONs. It sounds like you are doing all the right things. Good luck!! 

Specializes in LTAC.

I appreciate your reply. It makes me feel somewhat at ease. I have not reported it and I renewed back in July. I was just convincted in October 2023. I am set to graduate in August and hopefully be able to sit for the NCLEX-RN.

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