LPN to RN online with no clinicals

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Does anyone know of an online LPN to RN program that does not require clinicals? I have been a nurse for 11 years and don't need the clinical part. Please help!:roll

Have never heard of a program for RN's that has no clinicals. Our program accepts LPN's who are transitioning to RN, but they must do all of the second year clinicals just like the rest of us.

They take the bridge classes for the first year then join the rest of the class in the second year.

Good Luck and let us know if you find one.

Specializes in Trauma ICU, MICU/SICU.

I would imagine it doesn't exist. The state BON's require a certain number of clinical hours for licensure so I don't see a way around that.

Also, since the scope of practice is different, wouldn't there be different things in clinical? Sorry, if its a dumb quesiton, I'm just a first semester ADN student here.

Originally posted by pettyfoot

Does anyone know of an online LPN to RN program that does not require clinicals? I have been a nurse for 11 years and dont need the clinical part. Please help!:roll

The only LPN to RN program similar to what you are mentioning is Excelsior College which has been discussed at length on other threads. They are not online but a distance program. You study on your own with the study guides furnished by the college. There is not clinical per say but there are 2 (or more) clinical exams where you report to one of their testing hospitals and spend 2 days with an Excelsior faculty. This is a clinical test though, not a clinical experience. They have both an ASN and BSN programs. Good luck.


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