LPN programs in central Indiana?

U.S.A. Indiana


Specializes in psych.

I need some help finding LPN programs in Indiana. I am currently in a nursing program, but my husband just got a new job so I want to try to transfer. I was looking for nursing schools but all I found was the Ivy college. My husband will be working in Peru, any suggestions where I can find more information about LPN programs in that area, including Indianapolis? Any help would be appreciated.

I graduated from Ivy Tech State College. They have a very good LPN program that is detailed and also easy to go on after you graduate if you want to pursue your RN (which I am currently doing). There is also the IUPUI school in Indianapolis as well as several colleges within an hour of there such as Purdue, St. Mary's of the Woods, Indiana State University. Don't let an Ivy school cause you concern however. Healthcare providers usually hire Ivy Tech students first because they have the most hands on experience. Good luck... Mary:nurse:

Specializes in psych.

Thank you for your response. I am definitely applying to the Ivy Tech, the only problem is that their program is different that the one I am in right now, I am afraid they will not let me transfer. So I want to apply to as many nursing schools as I can to make sure that I dont have to stay here for the rest of the year :( I am going check out the schools you mentioned. Thanks.

Specializes in Med/Surg.

There are a few other options in Indiana besides Ivy Tech for LPN. Both are in Indianapolis.

J. Everett Light school of nursing: http://www.jelcc.com

(click on "nursing program")

Medtech college LPN school: http://www.medtechcollege.com

Good luck!

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