LPN with lapsed license


I need some advice quickly. I forgot to renew my lpn license by the end of the year. I went on the BON website 2 days later, entered my CEUs and paid my late fee and renewal fee. I answered required questions and got a receipt. I faxed my receipt to my employer and went back to work. A few days later, I contacted the BON when I hadn't received my license.

The BON claimed they didn't have my CEUs and that I hadn't answered the questions. I explained I had done both and I offered to fax my CEU certificates to them. To make a long story short, they said my CEUs had to be done by 2012 (which wasn't correct...this was their mistake) and then they said that i should have marked YES to the question about have i ever been fired or disciplined. The only termination i had was 2009 for a documentation error which i reported to the board when i renwed my license in 2011. Apparently the board never closed the case and i didnt know it because they renewed my license. The board never contacted me or told me that case was still.open. Fast forward to the most recent renewal....they held renewing my license because i didnt mark YES to the question that says 'Since your last renewal...have you been terminated,.disciplined, etc' . I answered the question honestly. I have NOT been terminated or disciplined since my last renewal. So i kept working, fully expecting the board to correct their mistake. When i realized they werent going to fix this, i contacted my DON and was sent home on personal leave. Subsequently, the board is now coming after me for working during that time with a lapsed license. I also lost my job because I had a short amount of time to get this fixed with the board.

I need advice. Anyone else have a problem like this? I have to go before the board tomorrow.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Do you have personal malpractice/liability insurance? If so call your carrier for legal advice & possible representation before the board of nursing.

Specializes in Hospital Education Coordinator.

You were wrong to "assume" that the BON would reinstate you. You always get proof, like a posting from their website. That said, you need to contact the BON and make arrangements to get this settled. Ask what they need specifically. If you feel you are not being allowed to work due to someone's error at the BON, then you should talk to an attorney. But that would not be my first step. The employer had no choice. Either you have a license or you don't.

I agree with you.completely. I should have never assumed. I was naive because I didnt see any reason for my license to not be renewed. I have never been disciplined or had any problems. My big mistake.was failing to renew on time. My concern has been the misinformation they gave me (telling me my CEUs had to be completed by 2012 when in fact it was by end of 2013) and telling me i had to answer yes to a question i answered No to. So, this is a hard lesson learned. I just wanted to know if anyone had experience with the board of nursing punishing for lapsed license

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Practicing nursing without an active license is considered a serious offense and you risk fines and sanctions against your license that will be visible by anyone who checks your license. It sounds like they are also considering falsification of a renewal application.

You should be able to search the BoN to see the outcome of similar cases. I know a sanction & $200 fine is common in my state for nurses who are caught without correct CEUs when audited (as you must indicate whether you completed 30CEUs for the renewal period on the application). It's considered failure to comply with board regulations and falsification of a renewal application. The nurse is given a short period of time to make up the missing CEUs before reinstatement

Seek legal advice before appearing before the board by an attorney familiar with such proceedings: TAANA Executive Office - Home

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