Hello all,
Dilema: Within the same amount of time, e.g. 1.5 yrs, I can obtain either an LPN or a BSN. Both are certifed. LPN is 6k, BSN is 35k. Both are full time and would require me to quit and live off loans and/or work -2hrs a week. I have a 5 year old daughter, rent, car, phone expenses.
If I do LPN I can start working to at least make enough to support myself. Potentially, I can find a company with tuition reimbursement to pay for LPN-BSN bridge. After LPN i would have only 36k in bedt. If I do BSN I will have 35k plus debt I already have totally 60k in debt. I would be a BSN amd would obviously make 60k a year over 40k (as an lpn).
Take the debt and do bsn or extend school time but save almost 30k in debt?