Published Jun 6, 2007
76 Posts
I called Gateway today to get all my questions answered & turns out they are taking apps in July for the Jan. start date. Although, she said there werent many "public" openings & probably a slim chance in getting in. Public meaning me, a student who isnt sponsered by thier company. I had no idea that companies took up most of the seats in this program. CNA, HCC130,HCC145aa along with all fingerprints, backgorund check, immunizations, NET etc. must all be done beforehand.
Looks like theres no way getting out of taking the CNA portion first, besides years of pre req's and years of waiting to get into NS, a BSN at a University or attending Apollo or IIA etc. Sorry to be a downer:o I'm just overwhelmed with all this nursing info.
Are there any other LPN programs in Az that don't require CNA?
I plan on asking Gateway what companies go through them to pay for thier CNA's to go through the LPN fas track...
269 Posts
Try on of the skill centers. As far as I know, Maricopa Skill Center does not requiere CNA license or pre-reqs and their program is running a couple of times a year.
Thanks Glina. I'll look into the skill centers too. I'm feeling much better today all tha nursing school info. was clouding my brain I think, pre reqs, fingerprints & waiting lists O MY!