Published Nov 8, 2015
3 Posts
So I was thinking, has anyone who had issues getting into a RN program due to low GPA, became an RN through the LVN route? Many online programs offer lvn to BSN, will little to no GPA Req, and they are fully accredited.
If you have done this what are the pros and cons of going this route?
mindofmidwifery, ADN
1,419 Posts
I'm going through this now and am planning to apply for an LPN program for Fall '16!
HouTx, BSN, MSN, EdD
9,051 Posts
I'm assuming you're in either TX or CA since you're referring to "LVN".
You are not going to be able to accomplish LVN-BSN 100% online because of the difference in scopes of practice. For instance, RN scope of practice encompasses physical assessment along with an advanced skill set (e.g., IV therapy, EKG, etc.) that will require hands-on instruction and practicum.
Those schools that have "little to no GPA requirement" are selling snake oil. They are in the business of selling tuition, not educating nurses. And, I can assure you that they will make sure that they sell you a LOT of tuition, no matter what the outcome. Buyer Beware.
Nienna Celebrindal
613 Posts
There are no lvn to BSN online. You still have to do clinicals. You need to do more research. Go to your bon website. It has a list of all programs in your state and start researching. Lvn to RN is still quite competitive. More options are available for private schools but of course that comes with cost.
Also if you are in California because careful. Schools like Indiana state are not accepted here. You can't even transfer over your license.