Published Dec 12, 2013
1 Post
I'm looking to see what other Colorado hospitals do in terms of policies around Low Census. For example, does your hospital require you to be cancelled at least 2 hours before your shift. Are you put on call when you are cancelled? Are you paid time and half for being called in?
At our hospital, we can be put on call if we are cancelled but the call pay stops when we get called back in. When we are called back in, we are paid at straight time but we do get a 2hr shift guarantee.
175 Posts
My hospital: they cancel you at any time, usually they call by 6 pm. Sometimes though if you get there and there are too many people, you can get sent home. You are considered on call til 3 am. Ad if called in, you get your same pay.
341 Posts
It's not worth driving into work for 2 hours of work for me.........I have never been called off of work because have so many people that volunteer to give up their shift. My old job did called us off fairlly often, if you were put on call and called in you got straight pay.'s why i quit.