Loved it or disliked it....


What hospitals/positions have you worked?

Did you love it or dislike it there?

Emergency Room RN- Loved it

Acute Care Nurse Manager- Frustrating, Political games, disliked it

Resource Coordinator- Loved it

Inpatient Rehab- it was "ok"

Acute Med Surg RN- Loved it

LTC charge RN: Liked it

Hospital float: hated it (no sense of belonging)

Medicare unit manager: Hated it (Like being caught in a vise)

Home IV infusion: Loved it

Emergency room: Loved it

Disease Management RN for state: HATED IT!!

Worker's compensation case manager: LOVE IT!!

I have worked Operating Room as scrub and liked it, worked on oncology/med-surge unit, loved it although not a lot of supportive coworkers due to being busy, busy, busy....Homecare Nurse case manager, absolutely loved it and am wondering how you go about getting a job as a workers comp nurse. You may reply at my personal [email protected]

LTC charge RN: Liked it

Hospital float: hated it (no sense of belonging)

Medicare unit manager: Hated it (Like being caught in a vise)

Home IV infusion: Loved it

Emergency room: Loved it

Disease Management RN for state: HATED IT!!

Worker's compensation case manager: LOVE IT!!

Specializes in critical care, med/surg.

psych: hated it

tele: mediocre

ccu: love it more and more every day

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