Love nursing, hate nursing school?


Is this normal? I just starated my med surg clinical rotation and I love watching the nurses do their jobs, and I love doing procedures and patient care.

I am however, sick to death of memorizing drug cards, writing care plans, and dealing with drill seargent type nursing instructors.

I hate nursing school.

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

I think it is. I hated my LPN class and always thought the stories here from students loved school and their class was one big happy family were out of their freaking minds. :D Fortunately my RN class was much better but I have to say I am so glad I'm done! Hang in there the time really goes quickly.

For me it was like going back to high school. You know, the cliques and attitudes.

Care plans are like an evil growth. You have to learn to write them to graduate. I've never seen anything like one since. Nursing Diagnosis? who in hades has time for them with the short stays in acute care these days? The closest I've see is PITA on the cardex referring to the patient and their family.

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