Published Apr 25, 2009
5 Posts
Before committing to nursing school, I need to know how the New Orleans (or Louisiana) job market has been for new graduates.
I noticed less grad positions posted lately on hospital websites, however, I know hospitals aren't the only places hiring.
180 Posts
Hi Nola824,
Nursing school is a great idea! Keep in mind that the current job market of Spring 2009 is not the job market you will enter in 2-4 years (not sure what kind of program you are considering, or where you are with pre-reqs).
When I made the decision to go to nursing school back in fall of 2005, the market and the economy were way different than they are today, as I graduate from nursing school in 3 wks. The economy has tanked, so there are fewer jobs available. More nurses are staying with their jobs instead of retiring -- as many cannot afford to retire as they had planned. Hiring freezes are in place in many locations around the country. Certain cities are saturated with new grads, so there are not enough positions.
That said, I got a job at the first place I applied to in New Orleans in the unit that I want. I made my resume more impressive by doing a nurse externship in Phoenix last summer, joining professional nursing organizations, being an officer in the SNA, and other such activities. Perhaps another new grad is having a more difficult time finding a job. However, most of my classmates have secured jobs here in North Louisiana, and some have gotten jobs in Baton Rouge. From what I understand, there are definitely more jobs for new grads in Louisiana than there are in many other states, such as Oregon, New York, Mass., Arizona, etc.
We expect the economy should turn around, which will lead to an end to hiring freezes. Also, our population is aging, nurses WILL retire, and the nursing shortage will continue. Plus, in an effort to control the steadily rising costs of health care, I feel that nurses will be utilized in expanded roles. I don't see how you would not find a decent job when you prepare to graduate.
Good luck to you!
116 Posts
If nursing is what you want to do, don't let today's job market for nurses in New Orleans discourage you. This will turn around before you graduate.
Thank you both for your responses. I already have one bachelor's degree that didn't work out and I'm terrified to take out loans again to leave me without a career.
I'm trying to make sure I'm considering nursing for the right reasons. I love the idea of helping people, I'm not too sure about the baggage that comes with the job...