Looking for study buddy -CNE

Specialties Educators


I'm looking for someone to study with for CNE.

I have printed out the detailed blue print. I'm going to start at the top and follow it.

Then take the NLN SAE and see what area's I need more studying in and focus there for a couple of weeks then go for it.

Yes, that's the best way to start with the blue print. That way we can organize all this info in our heads. I will likely use the blue print as a guide to direct what I need to focus on, while I review and take notes from my books.

After finishing my own study guide (and reviewing it a few times), I'm going to take the SAE to see my strengths and weaknesses.

I'm wondering if I need to invest in practice questions. How about you?

I think setting a date will make me at least start.

Yes. I agree that setting a date is the first thing in getting started. That way we can back track how we need to plan in order to prepare for the exam. I definitely would like to take it before the Fall semester starts, or before the end of August. However, if I feel ready to take it prior to August, I will definitely go for it.

How about you? Do you have a time frame of when you would like to take it? How soon or how far out?

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