Looking for a pediatric preceptor in London


Looking for a pediatric preceptor in London , NP or MD

Specializes in Emergency Department.

Don't you think this is a bit rude?

You joined on 16th February and on the same day you post the above.

No hello, no introduction, no information on why. Also you are looking for an MD - wrong forum.

As an ENP if someone wanted a preceptor, or even just to spend some time observing me, I would expect direct contact and a polite request.

I have reported your post. Please stop harassing my posts

Specializes in Emergency Department.
I have reported your post. Please stop harassing my posts


What posts (plural) have I harassed? You have only posted twice (and both are exactly the same) and I only commented on this one.

As a Nurse Practitioner (who worked with children as part of my role) I felt my response was reasonable and also instructive. As I mentioned, if someone wanted to work with me then a personal request was appreciated.

However, feel free to think you are harassed if it makes you feel better. It just reinforces my opinion that you are rude.

Specializes in Advanced Practice, surgery.

I'm not sure Grumpy is harassing your posts but merely pointing out some polite etiquette.

It may be helpful if you share with us a little of your background, where you are working, why you need a preceptor.

Your unlikely to get any takers with your first request. I would want more information in order to see what support you need.

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