Looking for opportunities in Chile


I'm looking for exchange or volunteer opportunities for US (California licensure) Nurse Practitioners in Chile. A cultural or practice exchange, does anyone have any ideas where one would start or who to contact? I'd appreciate any help I could get!

Hmmm....I spent a year in Chile, but not in nursing. I taught 6th grade. You might try looking at one of the national newspapers called El Mercurio, if you speak Spanish, that is, and see if they have any listings for any of the hospitals there. I think the website is http://www.elmercurio.com. I don't know if they have a lot of websites from Chile on the internet (I was there in 1997), but you could try running a search. Chileans like people from the U.S. to come and work. It helps to establish some kind of relationship with someone who is in Chile or from Chile. Maybe a newsgroup? Or a web pen pal? I'll get back to you if I find something.

I would try to contact some of the universities there, they would be the best for a cultural exchange. Or their equivalent of our Boards of Nursing.

Depending on how long that you wish to be there, you may try and contact some of the NGOs that cover the area. (Non-government organizations)

Forgot to add that for an exchange type program, you would still need to meet requirements for licensure in their country, meaning speaking Spanish fluently enough to sit for their exams, as they would need to do the same thing for here.

Thanks for the info- I have a friend in Concepcion who is checking on things from that end, but this gives me an avenue to start!! Thanks again!:rotfl:

Does anyone know anything about the test that foreign nurses have to take in Chile to be able to practice nursing in that country?

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