Published Jun 21, 2013
141 Posts
Can anyone recommend a good NCLEX-PN book to me. I've just completed term one of my program and am looking into buying a book to practice questions ahead of time! I've looked some up online and have read the reviews but if you could tell me why you like a certain book that would be great! Thanks!
It's a beautiful day to save lives.
37 Posts
Can anyone recommend a good NCLEX-PN book to me. I've just completed term one of my program and am looking into buying a book to practice questions ahead of time! I've looked some up online and have read the reviews but if you could tell me why you like a certain book that would be great! Thanks!It's a beautiful day to save lives.
Honestly I think Saunders pn nclex book was amazing . Not only did it help me during med surge when didnt fully understand the content but it comes with like 1000's of practice questions. Also it helped me pass my exit hesi. It's an awesome book to use throughout nursing school and to help you prepare for nclex.
Now for my nclex i used saunders, exam cram and Kaplan but you still have time. Keep up the good work! You're on the right track
Anyone else have some advice on the best book?
Philly_LPN_Girl, LPN
718 Posts
Saunders comprehensive review (green book) is my favorite book. It gives a lot of information, has practice questions at the end of each chapter, has a separate chapter for medications (cardiac, respiratory, etc), and, it comes with a disk with over 1000 practice questions, gives rationale, and when it comes time to take your boards,you can takean assessent test and it will give you a 30 day calendar study schedule to tell you what you need to study.
5 Posts
try looking for the Linda Anne Silvestri book