looking for some info on lincoln tech !! :)


hi, :) im jean and im just looking for alittle bit of info. im starting an lpn course in lincoln tech paramus, nj on nov 17, 2011 :yeah:. im going for the evening class. which is 16 months long. im not looking for anyones opinion on the school or for someone to bad mouth it because i basically made my mind up & im taking the course because i know im capable of passing. i just wanted to ask a few questions that maybe a current, past or graduate student can anwser;

1. what was taught in the first module? (just so i can do alil studying and be ahead)

2.if you graduated, was it easy to find a job? & how much did you start off making?

3.are there any personal tips you can give me that might help me to do better in class?

thats all :D thanks, any information is greatly appreciated !


I am currently in my 2nd term almost in 3rd term lpn afternoon program at Lincoln tech in moorestown. Your first module is a&p which is just all about anatomy and some things about how the systems work(in med surg you go more in depth), Nursing Funds I & Professional awareness which is just what it sounds...how to do things and about ethics and funds is just about patient care and nutrition & then you also have clinical I. My advice to you is you have to read the chapters and best if you can before class and study...its not easy like some ppl think. I really do enjoy the program... and I think some bad reviews come from ppl who have failed out or whatever...You have to study and I think ppl get the impression that bc its a tech school it won't be hard! But I wish you the Best of luck!

thanks so much for the info. i was recently reading about all the body functions like cardiovascular, immune, respitory, etc. just brushing up on them because i did learn this in cna class but that was 3 years ago. so do you think that will will be helpful in the first module?

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

I didn't attend Lincoln Tech, but there are a few awesome resources to brush up on a&p. Remember LPN A&P is more in depth than CNA A&P. There are two coloring books--the anatomy coloring book & the physiology coloring book. Great tools, especially if you are a visual learner. Both books were also beneficial on a collegiate A&P level course.

Anatomy: http://www.amazon.com/Anatomy-Coloring-Book-Wynn-Kapit/dp/0805350861/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1316877296&sr=8-1

Physiology: http://www.amazon.com/Physiology-Coloring-Book-Wynn-Kapit/dp/0321036638/ref=pd_bxgy_b_text_b

There are some valid resources on you tube (put forth by actual universities and experts) that do a wonderful job of explaining A&P and associated conditions.

Pre-reading is essential as it is beneficial for succeeding in the classroom. Also, if your text books include CD/DVD-ROMS or codes for online resources use them. Quite often these resources include games, test banks, flash cards, or other supplemental learning materials that can help you gain a better understanding of the material.

thank you so much, im going to check them out asap

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