Published Jan 27, 2016
4 Posts
Looking for some help or direction here !!!! I have been an RN for 17 years and an LPN 5 years prior....if someone would take the chance to listen and help me I would be for ever grateful !!!!!I would rather explain my situation after someone expresses some interest in helping. I can tell you it has to do with completed probation for a minor offense where my license was only placed on probation for a year which I successfully completed. Also on a separate note I have a question relating to workman's compensation. I hope someone will take the time to talk to me. I am from Michigan born and raised and graduated from St. Clair County Community College.
Esme12, ASN, BSN, RN
20,908 Posts
Welcome to allnurses! The largest online nursing community!
Your posts were merged and moved for best response. This is a moderated forum so there may be a delay in seeing responses. We are happy to help but need a little more information to help.
ED Nurse, RN
369 Posts
You should probably speak with a lawyer- we can't give legal advice here, which is what it sounds like you need.