Looking in Chicago


Hi everyone, I'm graduating with an ADN in May. I currently live and work in Milwaukee. I've been working as an aide on a good floor at a solid hospital and have recently secured an externship, with my manager indicating that if I take the externship they're anticipating me staying on after graduation. So, YAY I have a job.

Here's my question, throughout this process I've been considering making the move down to Chicago and the more I crunch numbers and contemplate, the more I'm thinking that Chicago is where I'd like to end up. Looking at UC and Rush HR websites I see statements about paying for BSN completion etc, etc which is of course awesome. But here's the rub; all of the job postings indicate "BSN required". rawr. I've looked at a wide variety of posts, not just pie in the sky type gigs. I would, though, like to find a job similar to the one I'm looking at walking into here in Milwaukee. Thoughts? Help?

Specializes in Leadership, Psych, HomeCare, Amb. Care.

The job market for new ADN is very competitive in the Chicago market.

BSN is the preferred entry for most hospitals. But you may have have some luck at smaller hospitals.

Your best choice may be to take the Milwaukee job, get experience and your BSN, and take weekend trips to Chicago for a few years.

You won't get hired at rush or Chicago without a bsn.

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