Longview Texas


Beware of this place. This place does not have it's act together and has no idea how to use midlevels and it shows badly in how they treat us.

Terrible place. Stick to the bigger markets.

Beware of this place. This place does not have it's act together and has no idea how to use midlevels and it shows badly in how they treat us.

Terrible place. Stick to the bigger markets.

TX is a terrible NP state but are you talking about a certain facility?

Beware of this place. This place does not have it's act together and has no idea how to use midlevels and it shows badly in how they treat us.Terrible place. Stick to the bigger markets.
There are only two facilities here. I am reluctant to drop names and I don't think it really matters to be honest. One is the same as the other

I guess you're talking about the hospitals then and not the VA clinic.

That is correct. I got recruited for a job working Trauma and then ended up doing something completely different.

I ended up finding out the place was very dysfunctional. It is a small system and they aren't at all open to the idea of midlevels which is surprising. I would think that with reimbursement pressures they would be looking for alternatives.

I hope that no one has to find out the hard way that Longview TX is not a place you want to be as a midlevel which is the reason that I've posted this.

Well, a couple of thoughts. Texas in general has been a great place for me to practice. I am in the DFW metro area.

East Texas = well, it's East Texas. I grew up there and would never even want to LIVE there, yet less work there. People are small minded, big on appearances and sometimes very racist and closed to newer ideas. Very much a good old boy system. Come on up to DFW..my inbox is FULL of recruiters asking me to come work with different offices ! It isn't bad everywhere.

I did actually end up coming to DFW and it was a good move. Glad to be away from gaptoothed rednecks I worked with in LV. Working in a retail clinic right now. Great job and very happy to be back in civilization.

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