long term prognosis of pulm htn babies


I am just curious about the long term prognosis of preemies who develop chronic pulm htn as a result of being very premature. Can they ever outgrow it to the point of not needing O2 anymore? Do they improve as they get older, or is it a stagnant condition? Thanks!

Specializes in NICU.

This sounds like a question you should ask a physician or NNP. I believe we are not allowed to speak to the prognosis of any given medical problem on on this website. You should consult a textbook or a physician regarding your question.

Okay-- just wondering as I am a new home health nurse and many of the clients are former preemies who have this issue. Thanks anyway.

Specializes in Pediatrics, ER.

Hi anon, it depends on the degree of pulmonary hypertension as well as other comorbidities such as cardiac anomalies or chronic lung disease. Some kiddos are able to wean off completely by age 2-3.

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