Loma Linda University : )


Hello, I was wondering if anyone out there is going to apply to Loma Linda University for Spring 2014? If so, leave a comment. It would be nice to know who else is applying. I believe the deadline is Nov. 1st. I'm nervous like crazy!!! hehe I'm sure I'm not the only one. If you're applying, too, I just want you to know that you are not alone!!! By the way, I'm Hilda; it is nice to meet you. : ))

Hi I applied for Fall 2013 and did not get in, I hope you do! Good Luck!!

I'm planning to re-apply for spring 2014 because i was rejected for fall. I went to the admission webpage to submit my application but i was not able to choose for spring 14. I don't know if they don't accept any students for spring or they will open it later.... Did you already submit your application?

Hello Hilda,I am also planning to apply to LLU this september. I am quite nervous, and I still have to take the TEAS and critical thinking. >.

@hnbloy. You should call LLU and ask them to move your application. Its that simple!

@hnbloy. You should call LLU and ask them to move your application. Its that simple!

So you mean i dont need to start all over again? Actually, i wanted to re-write my essay. Did you submit the same essay ? right now im preparing for CCs. After i submit all my CC application, i will start working on LLU. Are you applying for spring too?

I'm reapplying for Winter. If I don't get in Winter, I'm reapplying for Spring..

Hmm... I haven't thought about for winter because i thought i needed to write my essay again. If i don't need to do that all over again i want to try for winter also... I have a question for you. How did you prepare for critical thinking test? Did you use any study guides? If so, can you tell me the name of it?

I failed that test twice! You can't really study for it and I don't think that test affects you as much as the TEAS. The passing score is 13

@[COLOR=#003366]Pily20 , did you submit your application already? I have to take the TEAS as well. Which book did you buy to study from? : ))

@ [COLOR=#003366]hnbloyj , no way! Well, I hear that it is easier to get in Spring. Second time is a charm. Idk; I heard that somewhere. hehe : ))

@[COLOR=#003366]Pily20 , did you submit your application already? I have to take the TEAS as well. Which book did you buy to study from? : ))

@[COLOR=#003366]hnbloyj, no way! Well, I hear that it is easier to get in Spring. Second time is a charm. Idk; I heard that somewhere. hehe 0_o I'm sure that you will be fine. Man, I hope I'm fine as well. I'm not sure if I'll get in. : ))

Are you already in the nursing program at LLU? : ))

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