Published Sep 16, 2015
70 Posts
Hello anyone and everyone!
just looking to see if anyone is applying for Loma Linda spring 2016! Can anyone share their stats?
80 Posts
Hello, Have you heard anything from Loma linda?
I have an interview next week for Loma linda... let me know how you're doing. :)
No I have not because I am retaking a class right now and I can't get an interview until I'm finished! It's so stressful. But good luck and would love to know how it goes!
Do you mind sharing stats?
yes it is stressful, im nervous for the interview. Hopefully all goes well... I had to retake the CT test I got a 17. GPA 3.6 and 80 teas.
Is that pre requisite gpa or cumulative? I'm sure you'll do well, I heard the interviews aren't too bad!
Good news! The lady in the front office told me there weren't many applicants this term í ½í¹‚
Asystole RN
2,352 Posts
I thought this was a thread about the hospital lol, couldn't work in a hospital with no caffeine or meat.
Fortunately you're allowed to bring whatever you want on campus but you can't buy those on campus í ½í¹‚
Hi sorry I just saw the messages. Overall I have a 3.0. I had my interview today, it went well. Really ? So did you apply or were you just curious lol?
No I'm applying lol I'm glad it went well!! Would you be so kind as to share some of the questions? Did she say when we will find out?