Lifespan psych finished, now Micro, LS3 & Humanities left!


Specializes in Home Health, Podiatry, Neurology, Case Mgmt.

i can't believe the end is almost here! Took and passed life span developmental psych with a B last week =) another one day is another one closer to the FCCA/CPNE! I worked a 12hr shift last night and we were sooooooo quiet (thank goodness) that i had a chance to go online and print off the 500+ page CPNE 17th edition study guide :lol2: hole punch it, and put it into a binder...yes you can laugh now I sooo did that from work and soooo don't care! I flipped through it quickly last night and OMG the shear volume of the material scares me! I haven't been overwhelmed ever with EC, and have found that studying and taking the exams (including the one i failed) has been such an amazing learning experience. I am finally very worried that my lack of clinical skills is going to do me in, so to speak, for the CPNE. I haven't spiked an IV baq in 5yrs let alone actually deal with careplans and full body assessments...I'm really starting to get concerned that I have done ALL this work, and worked sooo hard that I might actually fail! did anyone else feel this way?

Anyway i'm scheduled for March 31st for Micro, April 11th for LS3, and April 20th for humanities CLEP...then hope to start FCCA by May 1st and Test for CPNE Late July to mid August if they can get me in! I'm going to take Sheri Taylor's workshop in person, and probably online as well as the care planning workshop she has. I'm really hoping this will give me the much needed direction to get through this. I've never given up, but I am very very nervous now getting to the end!

congrats on passing your test tasha... sooo happy for you.. i feel the same way you do, shared that i might not have the experience for the cpne but let's have faith that we'll do great... good luck.

Specializes in Home Health, Podiatry, Neurology, Case Mgmt.

thanks West...yes that is my only thing i'm worried about right now. Oh well, i guess i'll finish the exam requirements then worry aobut the skills stuff later. Hopefully with all the resources around we will be able to find the right "method" for learning them!

You can fail the CPNE with years of practice spiking i/v bags. Its another test and you prepare for it. Its not easy but its done every weekend. With the workshop,, u will do it. I failed my first time and I practiced my butt off for next tIme. I was done Sunday at 10 am, and on my way home.

Specializes in Surgery, Med/Surg/ICU, OB-Peds, Ophth.
i can't believe the end is almost here! Took and passed life span developmental psych with a B last week =) another one day is another one closer to the FCCA/CPNE! I worked a 12hr shift last night and we were sooooooo quiet (thank goodness) that i had a chance to go online and print off the 500+ page CPNE 17th edition study guide :lol2: hole punch it, and put it into a binder...yes you can laugh now I sooo did that from work and soooo don't care! I flipped through it quickly last night and OMG the shear volume of the material scares me! I haven't been overwhelmed ever with EC, and have found that studying and taking the exams (including the one i failed) has been such an amazing learning experience. I am finally very worried that my lack of clinical skills is going to do me in, so to speak, for the CPNE. I haven't spiked an IV baq in 5yrs let alone actually deal with careplans and full body assessments...I'm really starting to get concerned that I have done ALL this work, and worked sooo hard that I might actually fail! did anyone else feel this way?

Anyway i'm scheduled for March 31st for Micro, April 11th for LS3, and April 20th for humanities CLEP...then hope to start FCCA by May 1st and Test for CPNE Late July to mid August if they can get me in! I'm going to take Sheri Taylor's workshop in person, and probably online as well as the care planning workshop she has. I'm really hoping this will give me the much needed direction to get through this. I've never given up, but I am very very nervous now getting to the end!

1st, Congrats :) that is exactly why I won't print that monster off yet. Although in some ways it would be good to start to put some of those things into practice now (how I can on a surg pt is tough, but when I check the consent, I look through their diseases and try and put a few through the nursing process) and I check ID bands like a fiend, wash my hands over and above....but I know printing that bad boy would cause me to obsess like crazy. Take a peak and put it away for awhile :D Now...about those humanities...UGH!! I am in the same darn boat. I was going take Ethics in America but from what I have heard on here, sounds bad! I want to save $ and CLEP something but what? I want a class that I can read and test out on. I had sort of forgot that I have to take one more 3 cr humanities, booo!!! Hoping to CPNE early summer here too! No NCLEX until fall I think, I want to enjoy my summer with the position I have now.

Specializes in Home Health, Podiatry, Neurology, Case Mgmt.

i was told the General Humanities CLEP is worth 6cr, as is the Analyzing & Interpreting Lit 6cr, and one other but can't think of it off the top of my head. I am tossing the above two around to see which one i think i can do the easiest!

Specializes in Home Health, Podiatry, Neurology, Case Mgmt.

Oh and i'm soooo not studying anything in the CPNE study guide, i just had a free evening and company ink so to speak to print it out'm a cheap skate i guess. lol! i hope i can undrestand the study material in order to do the steps correctly...i guess thats what i'm nervous most about!

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