Published Sep 8, 2014
1 Post
I am an RN in Texas currently looking to get my license endorsed in both IL and NY (I know... nightmare), and I am wondering if anyone can clarify something for me: Texas is a Nursys state, so I just want to make sure that once I pay the fees to have Nursys verify my TX license to both states, I don't need to also fill out the license verification forms. The instructions for endorsement seem contradictory. In one place, the BON sites will say you only need to do Nursys, but then somewhere else it will very clearly state that you need to the form for all RNs from another state (This is especially true for NY). One more form seems like a hassle, but so does a delay in an already lengthy process. Any advice is appreciated!
HouTx, BSN, MSN, EdD
9,051 Posts
Unfortunately, even though they have begun the process, neither IL or NY is a compact state yet. So you'll have to deal with the traditional BON licensing process which can be pretty lengthy.
Nursys is only a software system that is used to manage/track licenses in the compact states. But even with that, you are only allowed to practice in your new state for 90 days - after that, you'll need to be licensed in that state.
Best of luck to you.
10 Posts
Tesia-leigh, I was just wondering if you found an answer to this? I am licensed in NJ but also looking to get my NY endorsement, and I also see the contradiction of wondering if I can just use Nursys or if I need to mail the form to the NJ BON and then have them forward it to NY BON? I tried calling the NY BON but after being on hold for 20 minutes I had to hang up. Please let me know if you've found anything!