Published Aug 22, 2015
3 Posts
Any recommendations for RN case managers "needing" professional Liability Insurance?
14,633 Posts
Why the quotation marks around "needing"?? Do you not really think you need it? If not, then don't get it.
The two companies that get mentioned most often in discussions of professional liability coverage for nurses are NSO and Marsh.
I've carried Liability Insurance for 15+ years now and within the year left bedside nursing. I'd like to know if other RN case managers carry liability insurance and their recommendations.
SummerGarden, BSN, MSN, RN
3,376 Posts
I've carried liability insurance for 15+ years now and within the year left bedside nursing. I'd like to know if other RN case managers carry liability insurance and their recommendations.
Yes, Nurse Case Managers carry Liability Insurance because we are liable. Some choose not to, just as is the case with some beside nurses, but it is not recommended. We work in a litigious environment similar to bedside nurses so it is encouraged. My employer carries insurance, but I doubt that they will protect me against any individual law suits. We cannot recommend any because of TOS of this forum so it is best to look at the same ones you did when you were a bedside nurse. In fact, I carry the same one I did as a bedside nurse to cover me now. Call your current insurer and talk to them about coverage as a Case Manager. Good luck! :)
Thanks so much for that insightful response :)