Letter of Reference forms to apply


Hi everyone!

I'm new here and I'm glad I joined because it is very informative! It's really helping out a lot. I do have a question that I'm not able to find... I want to apply for direct entry MSN as well as AccBSN. I'm wondering, for those of you who already applied or are applying, how did you/will you send out your letters of references to the schools? Did you open up a letter service file OR asked your references to make some number of copies themselves to send out to the schools OR something else? I was planning on opening up a letter service file through my previous college, since it seems easiest. Which one did you find easier to do? I'm planning on applying to at at least 7 schools. Another thing, I've seen that almost all of the schools have their own individual "evaluation" forms that your references need to complete along with that 1-2 page letter. I haven't yet asked my 'future' references yet because of the fact that they will probably need to write one letter, but fill out 7 "evaluation" forms. Any suggestions? info? thoughts? Anything would be great! Thanks in advance!

Hi Kryzt,

Some schools will want the letters included in your application package, and other will want them sent separately.

I'm not sure how other people do it, but here's what I do...

I put together a packet for each letter writer in a manila envelope. It had my CV, an info sheet with GRE scores, relevant coursework, etc. Also, I put together a summary of each school's program. Then, I paper clipped the individual forms for each school together with a pre-addressed, stamped envelope. If that particular school wanted the letter to be sent separately, I wrote their address on the envelope. If they wanted it included in my package, I wrote my address on the envelope. Also, I included instructions for them to sign the seal once they closed the envelope (it helps to make a small note, like "*sign seal please", to remind them on the inside of the envelope flap that will be hidden under the adhesive). Then, you throw them all in your package, and send it off.

Also, some profs will ask you to write your own letter, and they will edit if they feel the need, then sign. That's always a tough write.

Oh, and, make yourself a note to send reminder emails well in advance of the deadline. A friendly email or two help to get the letters out on time.

Hope that helps.

Specializes in Psychiatric NP.

My schools wanted the forms mailed directly to them from the person providing the reference. So, I mailed the forms to people who I felt were reliable and most likely to return the forms. I included a prestamped labeled envelope with each form so there would be no confusion as to where to send the forms. If you use UPS you can add tracking to the forms so you will know when they arrive at the schools. After I sent the forms, I told my references to be expecting them and told them when the deadline was. Two weeks after sending the forms, I emailed out a kind reminder about the deadline. Three weeks later I called the schools to see which forms were received. I sent out 4 requests when only 3 were needed. That way I'd have an extra one in case one person didn't reply.

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