Published Jun 25, 2014
13 Posts
I am a nurse in the Fl IPN (intervention Project for Nurses) for the last 2 years and my license has "marks" on it. It is not clear and active due to my addiction and stealing drugs from work. Since then, I have been clean and have very much turned my life around.
So much so, that I just graduated with my MSN and am applying for my nurse practitioner license. The BON wants a letter explaining why my license is "with obligations" and why I deserve to get my nurse practitioner license.
Has anyone ever written a letter like this? What should it include? What should it say? I am just afraid of saying the wrong thing and not being approved to be licensed for something I have worked so hard for, my recovery as well as my education...
More will be revealed. Thanks guys.
510 Posts
They are looking for accountability. If you are able to consult with an administrative lawyer and have them assist you in drafting your letter. Really they want to see that you are understanding that your past actions necessitate the stipulations, how you have grown, what you have done to protect your sobriety etc. If you can't afford a lawyer through the whole process wrote several draft and perhaps pay a lawyer hourly for their service. Congratulations on turning your life around! Absolutely incredible
Thank you so much! I will definitely show my accountability and progress In changing my life. I so grateful for the opportunities recovery and the FL BON has provided me and I want to portray that in the letter.
125 Posts
Congratulations on graduating with your MSN, and best of luck with your NP! That sounds like terrific advice from twoyearnurse, I'm sure everything will go great!