Legal question about my mistake...

Specialties Med-Surg


I had a patient who was receiving aminophylline 10ml/hr on his right IV site and zithromax on his left IV site. I accidentally gave the zithromax at a rate of 250ml/hr out of a volume of 250. So I actually ran the zithromax for an hour instead of running it for two hours. The patient complained of nausea, dizziness, and pain at the IV site, with numbness to his hand, and lips. Patient denies any vomitting. This wasn't his first time to receive zithromax IV. I'm very scared and worried that I might get sued. I stopped the infusion right away and apologized to the family. I called the doctor and informed him of the situation. The patient's vitals has been running from 98/50 to 140/80. I monitored it q5minutes x 30 mins. I stayed over my shift to watch over this patient. He's been stable throughout. His vitals have stayed stable also. I was off the next day and I called to work and spoke to my charge nurse. My charge nurse said that he was ok. I'm sorry for what I've done and I feel so bad. I'm a new graduate and have only been working as a nurse for about 4 months. I'm seriously considering quitting nursing because I don't want make a another mistake. I'm scared... Any advice on this situation. Thanks for all the help.


IMHO your instructor should have clarified the duties you and the other students were expected to have completed by 1400. In most facilities a 1400 med could be hung at 1330 to 1430. If you were expected to have all 1400 meds completed for report at 1350, then as students the instructor should have made this plain to you. The charge nurse had probably been informed by several staff nurses this was not being done by the students and took this opportunity to gently remind you and the instructor of this duty. I know this has happened several times and will again. Just remember to ask questions of the instructors if you are not sure what is expected. They can be so mean because they too have forgotten some of the rules of floor nursing.

I hope this helps some, I wish you success in nursing school and I hope you enjoy many years as a nurse.

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