Lansing RN strike


:o Any thoughts about the RN strike at Ingham Regional?
Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.
:o Any thoughts about the RN strike at Ingham Regional?

Had not heard anything. Welcome to the site. Enjoy your stay and best wishes to you. :balloons:

Specializes in AGNP.

I think its very unfortunate for both sides that the strike is still going on but there are some real important issues that need to be worked out. One of the most important being staffing - no one should be forced to work 16 hours per shift. I feel that is very unsafe. Also I know there are issues with retirement benefits which I don't know the details of.

They have federal mediators in now but it doesn't seem like they are getting very far.

Any updates on this situation? I'm in Florida, but Michgan is very much in my heart. It's one of the states I am considering after graduation.

They have been back to work for over 5 weeks now. They have better staffing ratios (no more than 5 to 1) -- which they wanted, they hired some new nurses also. I'm not sure if they got a pay increase though. But all seems to be better. I'm doing my clinicals at Ingham right now and I love it. So much better than Sparrow. Sparrow seems so "corporate".

Good to hear they're not striking! My travel agency offered me that place and I was thinking about it, since its close to my home "base". I don't do scab labor, though!! I worked for Mclaren Regional in Flint for a year, a part of Ingham's corporation, pay wasn't bad and our ratio was 4:1 on my floor. They tried the mandating every now and then there, too. McLaren Corp. isn't that great to work for, in my opinion anyway.

What makes you say that? Just curious, I do not plan on staying in the Lansing area anyway. What hospitals have you worked at in Michigan?

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