Lab test

Nurses General Nursing


We had a lab test today and I'm feeling stupid and frustrated at the same time. Our "patient" ( a former nursing instructor) was on Lisinopril, Lasix, K-dur and a bunch of other meds. Her bp was 88/56 so I held the Lisinopril. I did not hold the Lasix or K-Dur. (her potassium was 4.0, no edema and her urine output was within normal limits). A number of my classmates did the same thing.

We should have held the lasix, right? We all get so nervous for these lab tests!

My frustration lies in the fact that we DO NOT have a pharmacology course in our program!!!! We go over meds for each unit we are in (we rotate through Peds, Neuro and endocrinology, Mental health, Oxygenation and then OB). I would love your opinions on a good pharmacology book that I can buy and study from myself.

Thanks for letting me vent! :p

I seems to also have a moderate urinary effect when introduced through the lungs. But as you know when you get a bad respiratory distress pt, its an airway issue.

We have been using it in this mixture, albuterol 1cc/solu-medrol 20mg/lasix 10mg/ 2ccNS. Mainly with our COPDers.


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