So I am in my 3rd semester of a CNM/WHNP program. I have been a nurse for 3 years, where most of my experience has been cardiac ICU. I transferred to L&D back in June of this year, and this is my last week of training before I am on my own without a preceptor. My hospital is the main hospital, with 3 other small outlying hospitals. We have been the only hospital in the system with L&D for more than 5 years now after 2 of the hospital's maternity services were shut down. As you can imagine, it's made our little community hospital quite busy! Its not unusual for nurses to have 3 patients, to deliver babies in triage because labor rooms are full, or be 6 inductions behind😳. I am super passionate about women's health and becoming a CNM, but I am starting to not enjoy the bedside nursing role in L&D. I can't slow down enough to enjoy it 50% of the time. I am super grateful, however, for the learning is invaluable. Wondering if anyone else that is a CNM or WHNP didnt particularly enjoy the bedside RN role in the field?