Published May 22, 2006
1 Post
Hi All
I'm new here, is anyone familiar with the KSF reviews and how to present them. It's seems this new means of annual review has left everyone (even managers) clueless. I cant find any information on the format for producing evidence and my colleagues are also in the same situation. Whilst I appreciate here may be no hard and fast rules to presentation. I would obviously like to avoid writting reams if I haven't got the right end of the stick!:Crash:
493 Posts
There are several pieces of info in the KSF handbook (at the back) and some of the forms are compulsory.
The handbook is here
You might also like to visit which is a really useful site and also
Hope these help!
madwife2002, BSN, RN
26 Articles; 4,777 Posts
Does your trust not provide protocols?
117 Posts
At our Trust there were training sessions set up for KSF reviewers and reviewees so that everybody would know what to expect from both party. I had my review recently, by two managers, they basically went through my job outline and core/specfic competences, and looked at the all my evidences to see that i was working at the level required for my band (7).
Mind you although people says that this is not a paper chase exercise, from experince i can tell that it was as you have to gather all the evidances.
Good luck