Krav Maga practicing nurses out there, how do you handle your beat up hands?


hi there, I have a probably odd question, I am a Krav Maga practitioner and my hands and arms tend to get beat up and down depending on my day. Either with bruising down my forearms, on my palms or surface "rug" or bag burns. I also practice crossfit but that doesn't leave noticeable outwards issues. I was wondering if any nurses practice Krav Maga and if you have a standard response if someone notices your war wounds. I would prefer people to ask me vs. assume my husband is attacking me, but I am unsure of my response. lastly, are there any tricks of getting your swollen hands back down quickly after a session. I have tried ice, soaking in Epsom, Epsom salt dressings. Et al. It is a sport I'm absolutely passionate about and don't want to curtail my progression with Krav.

Thanks !

Specializes in Med/Surg, Ortho, ASC.

Sorry, but what is Krav Maga?

Sorry, but what is Krav Maga?

Do you wear sparing gloves or wrap your hands? For the bruises, long sleeves is all I can say. As for a response, be honest. That's what I do.

Specializes in Critical Care, Education.

I can't understand why repeated soft tissue injury is a good thing - this will eventually lead to major problems (chronic tendonitis, accelerated arthritis, etc). I'm sure this is a really great skill, but surely there must be some sort of protective gear to prevent this from happening.

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