Published May 3, 2011
180 Posts
What is your kindergarten RU like? How do you organize it? Mine was a chaotic mess this AM with little support from the usually helpful office staff. "Good morning! So do we have check off sheets?" "Nope. Decided we're not going to do that this year" "Oh. How about stations for the families to go through?" "Nope. Doing it differently this year" "Huh. Chaos ensues. Families wandering the hall looking for the nurses room. Public health moved into the conference room off the office, then out of there because the screaming kids getting their shots was too much for the staff. But moving them into a bathroom! Really. Are you f***ing kidding me?! A bathroom to give shots. Great impression that will make. How about the counselors office at least? Kids come in to get their hearing and vision checked. So do you have a birth cirtificate? No. Shot record? No. Anything? No. We were just told to be here today with little Johnny. Two families, three or four kids cramed into my little office, screaming, talking, confusion, no wonder Johnny can't pass his hearing test. I'm losing my mind. Public health is wondering who set this up? Me too. Kids see the public health nurse and start crying afraid they're getting shots again. Can't talk with Mom and Dad about kids health history, dental care. Just get them out the door. Frigging nightmare. Only 21 days letft. My motivation is totally gone. Wish I had another job.
371 Posts
WOW. What a terrible situation you are in! We don't do shots and such at my school, and I can't imagine what you are going through!! Keep your head up, summer will be here before ya know it!
Heidi the nurse, BSN, RN
248 Posts
We have had shot clinics in our schools. Usually they are after school. They use the cafeteria or gym. Usually what we try to do is divide the room - the gym at my school has a wall that can be opened or closed, so what we do is have families fill out paperwork on one side of the wall, and the nurse/nurses giving the shots over on the other side of the wall. Usually it goes pretty smoothly, although we usually have hundreds of people show up so it can take hours.
If there is any way to separate shots from screenings, i would do so. I don't want any of the kids I work with associating me with shots especially the kindergartners.
Oh, and we also send out flyers with "Must bring shot records" :) and have the district send out a robocall or two. We are having a clinic at the end of the month and are advertising it now.