Kennesaw Spring 2013 applicants

U.S.A. Georgia


It seems way early to be posting this, but the application deadline actually isn't too far away. Is anyone else applying to KSU for spring 2013 admission? I've requested to be considered for the traditional and accelerated programs. Took the TEAS this morning, but I'm still finishing this semester's prerequisites, so I don't know what GPA I'll be competing with yet. Would love to connect with anyone else who's applying!

Best of luck, all!

Don't feel bad - my mail hasn't been this late in a long time. I am dying here!

Man, Tricia and wisdom hunter I am sorry it's taking so long I am routing for you both!

I called and s.p. said she did not have an exact # as far as applicants to be interviewed but she said 80% of those interviewed, then being accepted, sounded about right for both programs.

Thanks! I don't have a hard copy of my letter (I moved so the letter was sent to my old address), but I called and they said I was invited for an interview for the accelerated program.

Would anyone with an invitation/letter for the accelerated program share the interview dates and interview sign-up dates? I would appreciate it greatly!

I got an interview as well!!! YAY GOD! So relieved...80%get in from here, so good luck everyone!

Thanks! I don't have a hard copy of my letter (I moved so the letter was sent to my old address), but I called and they said I was invited for an interview for the accelerated program.

Would anyone with an invitation/letter for the accelerated program share the interview dates and interview sign-up dates? I would appreciate it greatly!

Accelerated and Traditional are the same, just sign up for your interview beginning this Friday on Owl Express under Program Applications.

I applied for traditional program...interviews from sept 17-21

On my way to my class for the day..I'm so so nervous to go home :/

Congrats to u all:)

The interviews are Mon-Fri. It was only Mon-Thurs for the Fall 2012. I guess they will really have more seats for this Spring 2013. Is it truth? What did you all hear?

Of all the days the mailman doesn't come until 545

I got selected to interview for the accelerated program at KSU!!!!!!!!!!

Same here - the mail didn't come til after 4, which NEVER happens. I got a letter inviting me to interview! Congratulations to you all and good luck on your interviews! Maybe I'll see some of you there...

The mail came after I left for class, but my aunt was here watching my kids and I asked her if she could check for the envelope and open it for me if it came. Of course it came like right after I left for school! Anyway, she texted me while I was in class and I have been selected for an interview as well!!! It seems like the odds for everyone here was pretty good! Congrats to all! Hopefully all of us will make it through!

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