Keep on keepin on!


I was reading one of my nursing magazines and I came across this woman who is a mother of 6 children, she is going through a divorce, she found out 2 people close to her were diagnosed with cancer all while in nursing school and she was still able to earn her BSN in Nursing. I found that really inspiring and that goes to show that you can push through anything!

Nursing school is hard and I feel like we all have our moments where we feel stressed and we wonder if/how we will make it to the end. But stories like this make me realize that it is possible with the right mind set and drive!!

This was my little piece of inspiration today and I just thought I'd share and remind everyone to stay inspired, and remember why you wanted to go to nursing school. Times get tough but thats when the tough get going :)

Specializes in Acute Care, Rehab, Palliative.

That's amazing. People like that usually make awesome nurses.It proves you can do whatever you set your mind to. Thanks for sharing.

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