Nursing Students School Programs


Hi everyone!

I just submitted my application for the upcoming ADN program at KCC. I'm not feeling very confident in my stats and I was hoping for your thoughts on the how likely it is I was accepted. I understand it definitely depends on the competition but based on anyone's experience, I'd love some feedback.

prereq GPA- 4.0

coprereq GPA- 4.0 (Pharm 203 & Humanity completed)

TEAS- 72%, the math killed me because I was taking too long and wasn't able to finish.

Certified phlebotomist and work experience with direct patient care.

I have a feeling I won't get accepted because my teas score but let me know your thoughts! Thanks :)

Oh nice.

Do you happen to know how many students they have accepted for the Fall? and how many are on the Alt list?

Sorry - I have no idea what those numbers are...

I was told they have just as many alternates as they do accepted students. I was initially put on the waitlist, but received my letter a week after their acceptance deadline. I was told that sometimes they accept almost all their alternates, but I'm unsure. Good luck, I hope you get it! :)

How did the orientation go guys?

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