Kaplan Question


Does anyone know if the Kaplan Qbank questions are at the higher level of application and analysis or is it a combo of all types? Also, my scores for Kaplan are below....any comments/advice would be greatly appreciated!

Diagnostic 53.3%

QT1 56%

QT2 65.3%

QT3 55%

QT4 62.7%

QT5 60.7%

QT 6 (taking on Tues)

QT7 (haven't taken yet)

Readiness 65.6%

Qbank Average 60%

NCLEX scheduled for Jan 22

Yeah pharm was a weak area for me too. But I heard they decreased the # of pharm questions. Honestly, I didn't worry about it much. Know the classifications and major meds. I got one classification question and two questions on specific meds. But I knew those meds so I was confident in the answer choices I put for all of them. Actually, the one I had on a classification was a SATA.

There's really not much prep you can do for SATA other than knowing nursing content. Read the question stem and answer choices, evaluate which answer choices are relevant. That's all you can do.

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