Kaplan-PN Qbank

Nursing Students NCLEX


I'm due to take the NCLEX-PN soon and am working on the Kaplan-PN Qbank. I got great grades in school and such and I believe I know my stuff - but when I take the tests, I get like 55% ish. I know Kaplan says around 65% is fine but it just doesn't feel right. Some of their questions seem outright wrong and completely against what my instructors taught - and even what my books taught - and I'm nervous that it is going to sway my judgement in the wrong direction. Is it normal to feel this way? I was starting to feel somewhat confident about my progress and now these results are just getting me down.

I am also using Saunders to assist with reviewing and am about halfway through. I get nearly all of their questions correct but admit that they are a lot easier than the Kaplan ones.

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