Kaplan Nursing entrance exam- 2nd time around!

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hey guys! So I will be RE-taking the Kaplan Exam this Thursday and I am really nervous! I took it once before and totally bombed the science part. Not knowing then what i know now however, is there are certain topics that are going to be covered (A&P II) such as renal system, cardiovascular system, neurology, blood, homeostasis, etc. Any advice? I have studied my old power points my professor gave us this past spring semester. Has anyone had to take it the second time? If so, was it harder or were the questions generally the same?? :) just curious, because if i don't pass it this second time i cant start nursing school in the fall:(

YES ma'am they are

Hello! Any advice on how to prepare for the science section? OR is it just study your entire textbook kind of thing? I failed the "Sample" questions, now I am very very worried about the real thing :-(.

Hello I am in Germanna and I had my first attempt today and I fail it really bad I only pass the math portion I don't know what else I need to study I feel like I been studying all already so I am super scare because I feel I will fail it again my question is what would it happen if I don,t pass my 2nd attempt?

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