kaplan nclex pn qbank

Nursing Students NCLEX


So i purchased the kaplan nclex pn qbank. Did a couple of test and my scores are in the high 50's. I cant seem to pass the 50 mark. Answering the questions is starting to frustrate me where i come down to the best 2 answers and ends up always the wrong one i Choose. I feel there is so much to learn and this is not my first time attempting the test. Getting so irry frustrated..... Argh!

Are you reading the rationales for every question? I was stuck in 50s for awhile too but it gradually went up as I reviewed more content.

Yes i do read the rationale to both right and wrong ones i get. Kaplan questions are much harder but i do love answering there questions. Its much challenging compared to saunders pn. But i use the saunders for content. I write down every topic i get wrong and read about it on saunders. Hopefully in time i get better answering questions on kaplan. Thanks

OH, BOY!!!

i am doing kaplan online review and q-bank questions too. i take the live online class this weekend both sat and sunday to really help me with the strategies.

my scores are ranging from 50-60 with some above the 60 mark. i am done with q-bank 1000 questions and am going to try to answer them all again.

I take the pn exam on thursday.

any suggestions about the probability of first time pass rate with Kaplan complete program??

should i re-schedule

I cant really tell you but reading some posts on here some have passed and some didnt using kaplan. This isnt my first time taking the nclex ive taken it a couple times and my last exam was all near passing standard. Thats why i choose kaplan and saunders maybe this next test will be my last... But the scores ive been having on kaplan makes me think twice. Even thinking if this is the right career for me.

So i purchased the kaplan nclex pn qbank. Did a couple of test and my scores are in the high 50's. I cant seem to pass the 50 mark. Answering the questions is starting to frustrate me where i come down to the best 2 answers and ends up always the wrong one i Choose. I feel there is so much to learn and this is not my first time attempting the test. Getting so irry frustrated..... Argh!

i also interest in Kaplan nclex pn review online class. is there anyone know how long is that review class program? is that worth? is there any book for the review class? should i buy the qbank? compare with Kaplan and NCSBN which is better ?

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